The good news, after not-so-good news about Reflector, is that NHibernate 2.0 is finally released. This version’s feature is comparable with Java Hibernate 3.2 so, this might be a giant step forward. If you’re new to NHibernate, you definitely want to check out the web site, which contains screencasts that will minimize your learning curve. There’ll be some sessions regarding new features of NHibernate 2.0, so keep an eye out. Continue reading

Splashing WPF

Since WPF application’s startup were slow, specially when cold starting, I always ended up thinking “How can I add a splash screen to my WPF application?”, but if you create a splash screen in XAML there are lots of things that should be loaded before your splash screen is shown….see the irony in that? Continue reading

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Hadi Eskandari

Developer, amateur photographer, coffee snob, husband and father.
