In a recent project, we were requested to create a new web application that worked on an existing data model that was created using Linq2SQL and .NET Framework 3.5 SP1. We were asked to use best practices and tools of the trade in the new application, but how about the data model? Instead of directly using L2S, the best thing seemed to be creating a Repository pattern implementation on top of L2S and use that instead. Continue reading

On my WPF course someone asked how we could move the focus to the next control on the page when the enter key is pressed on a textbox. Let’s suppose we have a data entry form which mostly is consisted of TextBox (or alike) controls. Continue reading

Some time ago, Krzysztof wrote how he uses IoC containers and asked how other use it. This post is the answer to how I use Castle Windsor container on the applications I develop. With the Castle Windsor 2.5 nearly out, I have created a sample application to show best practices of using an IoC containers. The thing is almost all the resources talk about IoC container usage in web applications so hopefully this post will help you on best practices of using IoC in a rich client applications. Continue reading

The new article titled “Building Distributed Applications with NHibernate and Rhino Service Bus” no doubt shows one of the best implementation of a Client / Service architecture, so If you haven’t checked it out, it is a must read. The problem, however, is that in certain scenarios it may not work out of the box and you need additional configuration on your client / server to make it work. Continue reading

Since working on our RIA application that uses JBoss WebServices on the backend, we’ve had tremendous amount of problems when it came down to handling proxies generated by Visual Studio. The fact is Visual Studio proxy generator (as well as the command prompt tools) are so lame! Although they do the job, but they should only suffice basic scenarios where a client connects to a bunch of webservice with no shared contract across them. Continue reading

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Hadi Eskandari

Developer, amateur photographer, coffee snob, husband and father.
