Writing code may look easy to some and hard to others, but some programmers always tend to write messy, smelling, ugly-looking, inefficient code. Here’s one:

protected override AppointmentForm CreateAppointmentForm(SchedulerControl control, Appointment apt, bool openRecurrenceForm)
    //return new CustomAppointmentForm(control, apt, openRecurrenceForm);
    if (Thread.CurrentThread.CurrentUICulture.Name == "fa-IR")
        if (openRecurrenceForm)
            return new CustomAppointmentForm(control, apt,openRecurrenceForm);
        return new CustomAppointmentForm(control, apt);

    if (openRecurrenceForm)
        return new AppointmentForm(control, apt,openRecurrenceForm);
        return new AppointmentForm(control, apt);

What’s wrong with it you might say? Other than the logic implemented wrong (for specific culture instead of all RTL cultures), “A lot”, I’d answer.

  • Commenting out code instead of deleting it will leave a lot of “Ghost” codes in your source. If you have a source-control in place why do you need to keep old code as commented out? it is always available in your source control, isn’t it??
  • Embedding culture-specific code in not a good idea. What we want to achieve here can be easily achieved using factory patterns.
  • Control flow is very important for other programmers to understand what you wanted to achieve. Writing nested if / else and multiple returns in a method tend to make this harder.
  • Having braces in C style programmings is more a matter of style, but always be consistent.
  • Efficiently use constructor / method overloads. Know what are the default values for overloaded parameters.

The above code could be refactored into this:

protected override AppointmentForm CreateAppointmentForm(SchedulerControl control, Appointment apt, bool openRecurrenceForm)
    AppointmentForm form = null;

    if (CultureHelper.IsCultureRightToLeft)
        form = new CustomAppointmentForm(control, apt, openRecurrenceForm);
        form = new AppointmentForm(control, apt, openRecurrenceForm);

    return form;