On my WPF course someone asked how we could move the focus to the next control on the page when the enter key is pressed on a textbox. Let’s suppose we have a data entry form which mostly is consisted of TextBox (or alike) controls. Continue reading
This is the next series in the Caliburn tutorials. You can find previous post: Part One, Part Two, Part Three.
One of the best features of Caliburn framework that I haven’t seen in other MVVM frameworks, is a feature called Coroutines. Continue reading
This is the 3rd part of the series where in previous post we saw how to develop WPF applications using Caliburn Framework. In this post, we’ll see some more advanced usage where our shell instead of being just limited to displaying single view at a time, can have multiple ones in a Tabbed user interface. Continue reading
Back in May 2008, I found a way to use Linq expression to fire notification change, and just after that on September 2008, changing the first implementation to benefit extension methods, things looked a lot easier and more C# 3.0 style. But now to think of it, the best implementation of INotifyPropertyChange would be not to implement it at all! Is this possible? Continue reading
Creating Line of Business applications using DevExpress WPF controls is just a breeze. The actual application is nice looking too! Since there are a couple of skins available and the good thing is the skin also changes the look and feel of standard WPF controls! Continue reading
Back in May 2008, I did two posts on how to implement a composite application using Caliburn framework. By that time, Caliburn was still in pre-alpha stage. With lots of the changes along the way to reach Release Candidate, those content are not valid anymore, so I thought a new post to show how you can use Caliburn to build a WPF application is in order. Continue reading
This is the first part of the series I’ll be posting about how to create a composite application with WPF. Continue reading
In the first part, we learned how to create a basic composite UI with Cliburn Framework. In this part we’ll see how Presenters play their part and how we do binding, etc. Continue reading
Caliburn is an application framework for WPF / Silverlight. If you’re developing applications for these platforms, there are many reasons why you definitely need to be using this framework, but today, I noticed how using this framework resulted writing less code while doing more. Continue reading
I’ve been working on a small LoB application to manage sales of a small sales office. I thought it’d be a good idea to put to use my WPF knowledge and use WPF to create this application. Continue reading